From OCI to OAD: a bit of history

The present OAD initiave has an old origin, since more than 20 years, and has gone trough three successive initiatives, in the following briefly sinthetized.

The conduct of a survey based on a questionnaire to be sent and / or proposed to companies and public administrations on cyber attacks is an idea launched back in 1996 within the FTI (Forum delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione) and its SicurForum (see


OCI, Osservatorio Criminalità Informatica in Italia

OCI was the first survey on cyber crimes, that include digital attacks, implemented within the activities of theSicurForum, a branch of the  association FTI, Forum  per la  Tecnologia dell'Informazione (a Forum for the ICT). The idea of such a survay has been conducted since 1996  by M. R. A. Bozzetti, which was also one of the founder of FTI.

 logosmallFTIlogoSicurforum FTI                                        


The reports on the surveys, planned to be annual,  was published  by Franco Angeli Editore on a new series of FTI books, togheter with articles written by the most authoritative experts at the time on the cyber security.

The text of the books is in Italian.


Osservatorio sulla criminalità informatica. Rapporto 1997

(Cyber crime observatory. Report 1997)

The first book of this new series was published in 1997, based on the SPACE ,  CERT-IT and Instinform-Securitynet surveys.

 Copertina OCI 1997


 Cyberwar o sicurezza? Secondo Osservatorio Criminalita' ICT

 Cyberwar or security? Second OCI report

After the success of the first book, it has been decided to perform  an autonomous  survey on digital attacks, based on a questionnarie sent via email to a predefined  sample of 200 companies and public bodies, segmented in a way that is homologous to that of IT computing in Italy according to Assinform 1998 data.

The survey  was set in 1998 and conducted in 1999 by Marco R. A. Bozzetti with Piero Pozzi for Sicurforum-FTI,  in collaboration with the Centro Space of the Bocconi University, and  published in print by Franco Angeli in 2000 as the second edition of OCI.

 Copertina OCI ed 2 Cyberwar FTI 2000



Crimine virtuale, minaccia reale. ICT Security: politiche e strumenti di prevenzione 

Virtual crime, real threat. ICT Security: prevention policies and tools

 The OCI third edition  was  published by Franco Angelli in 2004.

The survey was provided by Marco R. A. Bozzetti and Piero Pozzi in collaboration with the Centro Space of the Bocconi University, according to the same methodology described above.

 Copertina OCI Rapporto 2004

To dowload the executive summary of the Report click here down.


pdf.pngExecutive Summary OCI 2004HOT Download


From OCI to OAI




 The approach of including the annual survey in one volume with other articles by authoritative experts and the authorities of the sector, such as the ministers in office, required very long times, and the data on the cybercrime investigation were partly outdated

Also for these reasons the OCI initiative actually ended and Marco R. A. Bozzetti relaunched the idea of publishing the only report on a survey carried out online via web together with Alessandro Betti, owner and publisher of Soiel International.

 For the OAI Reports, since 2009 to 2015, click here. The Reports are in Italian, but at the beginning there is a summary in English..



From OAI to OAD




The OAI initiative was consolidating, but more effort was needed to:

  •      increase the knowledge of the Observatory to a much widernumbers of readers,
  •      involve various unrepresented sectors among respondents,
  •      innovate the "OAD service" to find new Sponsors.

To achieve these objectives, the author Marco R. A. Bozzetti involved in OAD a well known market reasearch company in Italy, Nextvalue,  that also managed the Italian community of CIONet.

The 2016 Report was prepared with NextValue, but at the beginning of 2017 suddenly dead its CEO, ing. Alfredo Gatti, and despite the written agreements it was not possible to continue the collaboration with tis company.

Bozzetti then identified the substitute in Reportec, and from OAD 2017 Reportec is the Media Partner and the Editor of OAD.


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