Report & Events 2011


copertina rapporto oai 2011 uid321hxc778 1

  36 A4 pages, November 2011

Author: Marco R. A. Bozzetti 

In cooperation with : Polizia Postale e delle Telecomunicazioni

Publisher:   Soiel International Srl 

Patronage providers AIPSA, AIPSI, Assintel, Assolombarda, Aused, CDI Torino, CDTI Roma,   ClubTI Emilia Romagna, ClubTI Liguria, ClubTI  Marche, ClubTI Milano, FIDA Inform,  FTI, Inforav,  itSMF

The full cost of the survey and of the published report was supported by Soiel International Srl, the company of the Publisher, and by Malabo Srl, the company of the Author.

The Report is all in Italian,  and in the following  this web page reports an abstract in English.

For the complete Report, the related articles and presentations, all in Italian, please refer to the Italian web page (click at the top right to the Italian Flag).




Abstract and final conclusions OAI Report 2011